Wednesday, July 6, 2011

This is the best part

 This is the best part of the summer garden...when there are things to snack on while you work out in the sun, like fresh green beans,

Hungarian wax peppers

(apparently they're sweet when small and fresh--who knew?)

Sweet Chelsea cherry tomatoes

and silver fir tomatoes! 

I am so excited that tomatoes seem to be happy here at my new place.  Last year was a terrible summer for tomatoes and I did not get a single one.  This is just the beginning!

Oh, and the cutest thing happened.  I went out to water the other day and found that one of my neighbors put a basil plant amongst all of my plants.  Spectacular!  Community gardening is alive and well in my own backyard!  In my old apartment, I lived there for 5 years and no one bothered to ask my name.  But this, this is real sharing and real community, and it makes me so happy, you don't even know.  

Still to come: eggplant, cucumber, edamame, jalapenos, and more tomatoes, like these green zebras.  Stay tuned!


  1. I love you photos Emily! Where are you living now? What are you up to this summer?

  2. We're jealous! You have the perfect climate for growing. Our tomatoes should be ready for Thanksgiving..
