I have tried to grow cucumber for 3 years.
I am proud to say that sweet green crisp crunchy victory is finally mine!
The first attempt two summers ago was miserable. I bought some picky heirloom cucumber at a plant sale, and the poor thing shot out one measly vine and then shriveled up.
Last year I tried to grow cucumber hanging upside down from a hole cut into an OSH paint bucket. Looks good right? Well, the cucumbers were terrible--the few I got tasted bitter and inedible. Turns out it wasn't getting enough water. Water is key.
(Don't try that at home, kids)
Last year I tried to grow cucumber hanging upside down from a hole cut into an OSH paint bucket. Looks good right? Well, the cucumbers were terrible--the few I got tasted bitter and inedible. Turns out it wasn't getting enough water. Water is key.
The first thing I did differently this year was when I planted--March instead of July. It really thrived in this strange rainy spring we've been having here in Nor Cal! The second thing I changed was where I placed the container.
In previous years, the plants had full sun exposure. This year, it's in the shadiest corner of the balcony, exposed to bright light but not necessarily scorching sun. I put it next to flowering herb friends like lavender and rosemary, hoping to attract insects to the little yellow blossoms. Not sure if that's helping, but it sure looks good, right Maxie Boy?
The last thing I changed--and this is crucial--was the amount of water the plants received.
As it turns out, they are not like tomatoes. You can't just ignore them and expect love. Cucumbers like the soil damp at all times.
I make sure the saucer beneath that container has water in it all the time. Of course the rain has helped, but now that it's warming up I will be especially conscious of it! Even if I was growing in the ground, my number one concern would be to monitor the moisture of the soil.
Let me tell you, they smell sweet and green from the minute you cut them off the vine. Gorgeous. These are too good for pickling (and I am pickle obsessed so that tells you something).
I ate mine with toasted green onion ciabatta (thanks, Acme Bread Co!), a shmear of goat cheese, fresh tomato slices, and a sprinkling of salt and pepper.
Wait, I need a close up of this action...
Whoa Mama! I am drooling through my own computer monitor right now.
Congrats Emily! Those are beautiful. Bon appetite!