Thursday, October 28, 2010

Finding Peace

I had a nasty thing happen at work today.

It angered me, then upset me, then kicked me when I was down. My only hope this afternoon was finding a peaceful state where I could be distracted enough to forget about it and then content enough not to care. And when days are warm and evenings are dark and cool, or on days like today when I want to get in my car and drive away from it all, I find peace here:

Peace like the last salsa of the season...

(um, remind me in a future post to share my dad's famous salsa recipe which will kick your ass, it's so good)

Peace like enough to share with good friends!

Peace like sorting dry heirloom beans,

that will simmer on your stove for dinner

Peace like heaps of tortillas and avocado that go perfectly with the beans and salsa you just made.

Peace in beer.

No, wait, even better--peace in familiar beer, when you know what the first swig will feel like.

Peace like when you make oatmeal coconut almond cookies or breakfast rice pudding...

...and then your whole house smells sweet and cozy.

Peace like curling up with a kitty!

Peace like sitting still long enough to work on a new silk winter pullover.

Peace in crime drama tv shows that make me yell at the television.

And the ultimate reward:

Man that hits the spot.

And maybe, just maybe, peace will be enough to make you go back to work and face it all tomorrow.

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