Saturday, October 23, 2010


When I was a kid accompanying my mom on grocery shopping trips, I would make a beeline for the produce section, grab a bunch of scallions, press the cold white ends up to my nose and sniff. Luckily, my mom usually purchased scallions, so it's not like I was sticking them up my nose and then putting them back. Stay with me, this story leads to something appetizing, I promise...I just have this specific memory attached to scallions and their mild warm oniony smell. So you can imagine my delight when my friend and fellow garden enthusiast Albert Kuo told me that if you stick green onions in the earth they will grow and you can cut them like chives. Um, how did I not know about this brilliant scheme sooner?

Which brings me to another childhood legend:
Grandma Evelyn's macaroni salad.
That's right, boofs, you know what I'm talkin' about.

Man, it was so simple, so classic. So not the gloppy elmer's glue concoction that passes in grocery stores for macaroni salad. I'm making this batch with really bright flavors--scallion, celery, red jalapeno...

...chives, of course, 'cause they go in everything.

Childhood me was too busy scarfing it with beans and vignadiles at family picnics to notice how she dressed it so I'm going with salt, pepper, a little oil, vinegar, scant spoon of mayo...

Just like Grandma used to make! When I was invited to my friend's annual pumpkin carving party and bbq, there was only one side dish that would do. How good will this be later with grilled chicken and cold beer? I mean, who could resist?

1 comment:

  1. Looks delicious! I always love the idea of macaroni salad, but it's disappointing when purchased from a store. And we know how I don't cook.....
